The 5 types of Wealth

TL;DR – Sahil’s debut full-length book is a perfect complement to his years of newsletters and social posts. It presents the wisdom he has curated and distilled into the five types of wealth we are born with and compound through life. The wisdom delivers ways to benefit from these pillars of wealth and provides cautions and ways to avoid squandering it.

Full review: Although I cannot remember when exactly I subscribed to Sahil’s newsletters, something in his writing on social media clicked for me. Perhaps it was our shared Indian ancestry, perhaps my desire to hack his way of exercise (but not the icy baths!!), and perhaps the top “x” ways to hack a portion of life. They just did. I became a regular reader of these missives in my email every Wednesday and Friday. The book collects them all and more, and tells some of the backstories. There alone it shines. But there was more.

The book is about designing a life; whether for someone just starting it in their 20s or someone reflecting on it in their 50s (like me). It captures the wisdom of numerous known and unknown names he has interviewed and divides it into five wealth vaults – Time, Social, Mental, Physical, and Financial.

Though many stories steeped in historical wisdom are simply restated parables, this book brings the parables into actionable insights. For example, the parable of a Pyrrhic victory is complemented by checklists and warning signs to avoid – the modern complement for the bus(ier) individual. After all, could a 21st century guidebook not include a checklist or more :)?

Time Wealth – this is, indeed, the most valuable treasure we are born with, an unstated, seemingly infinite reservoir from which we draw seconds until it suddenly empties. The modern parable of ‘it’s later than you think’ helps create a measure – if not of time remaining, then certainly of value achieved from that time. Sahil’s book, thinking, and writing are heavily influenced by his young son and aging grandmother, the barbells of life he deeply values, enjoys and cherishes throughout the book. And their lives seem to create the otherwise impossible deposits into his time vault. The books is valuable to study in this juxtaposition alone.

As with each of the other wealth pillars, this pillar provides methods to gauge progress, anti-goals to avoid, systems to implement to achieve satisfaction through progress. He provides simple checklists and quizzes to visualize and document progress without need for expensive journals and toolkits. Many are as timeless as Benjamin Franklin’s daily habit and as new as Apple Notes.

Social Wealth: This attribute of the human animal is next. We have an innate ability to form deep networks with those around us yet continue to find ways to devalue the very connections and allow them to wither. This section’s stories are more modern, chronicling studies and lectures from luminaries such as Margaret Mead and weaving in Sahil’s personal stories. The outcome – a pathway away from loneliness toward an additive, productive, accretive life of the balanced social interaction. He doesn’t lead the reader toward extroversion; quite the opposite in his approach to building and nurturing the very connections that matter through their depth, breadth and status. Here too, the section ends with guides, assessments, hacks, and systems for success.

Mental Wealth: This section addresses the world within our mind and how it can expand to infinity or contract to seemingly nothing. How we open ourselves to infinity to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and curiosity, of the rituals that allow us to grow and reflect are the foci of this section’s systems, hacks, and guides. Sahil’s collaboration with Susan Cain (author of Quiet and Bittersweet) is powerful in making this section a stand-out chapter.

Physical Wealth: The earliest readers (I think) of Sahil’s work will remember his social media accountability about maintaining and attaining physical wealth through seemingly impossible runs, workouts and ice baths. This chapter elevates toward the why and a bit of accessible HOW. He addresses WHY through modern and historical stories and leads to designing a pattern via movement and resistance through simple methods. Exercise without proper nutrition is only part of a solution so he does address nutrition – again simply making it achievable to all. The systems in this section are naturally targeted toward a WOD.

Financial Wealth: This final section addresses the most common type of wealth-money. Here Sahil focuses not so much on the constant addition but the concept of enough. As the pursuit of ‘just a little bit more’ cannot ever be met, wisdom of the ages distilled in this chapter leads toward understanding enough. The pillars – generating stable and consistent income, managing expenses, and investing for the long-term- are easily stated. These pillars can easily fall when faced with the ‘next best thing’ but followed religiously, prove to be the wealth generators over time. The guide and systems here are practical, simple, and straightforward checklists and missives.

Each of the five sections end with a summary that I think will be a good one to review every so often as they are nearly complete recollections of the chapters. I reread summaries a month after finishing the book and smiled at the things I’d remembered and underlined those I hadn’t. Sahil’s epilogue is like the conversation you have with a friend at the end of a shared evening over a favorite beverage. Short yet meaningful. A perfect end.

I’ll leave this review with this final thought that Sahil’s grandmother shared with him and has stuck with me:

“Never fear sadness, as it tends to sit right next to love”

Savor – a book review A Chef’s Hunger for More by Fatima Ali

Certain books enter your life to do more than simply educate or entertain-they move you. This is one such book that took me through a wide range of emotions through its pages.

The book is a memoir told in the words of an exemplary chef who was introduced to me (and many) during her Top Chef Denver competition and later, in her death, through Padma Lakshmi’s Instagram. Fatima Ali, born and raised briefly in Pakistan, then Austin, TX and then again in Pakistan was a chef of acclaim. She uses this book to celebrate her heritage, cooking, family, and love for the profession and professionals of all social stature. Though she achieved much in her 29 short years, she expresses a regret in the final pages of not taking more time to experience more.

She received (and repeatedly acknowledges) the gifts of love of her mother and brother, two rocks who persisted throughout her life, even when they had to be far from her. Her circle of half-sisters (sisters in her words), extended family and friends, fellow chefs and kitchen peers, teachers and loves were rocks she leaned upon in the end.

The story begins with the introduction of a writer tasked with helping write (or complete) this memoir and the first chapter exposes the emotional roller coaster the book promises. Mental and physical abuse and trauma, poverty and divorce, distance and jealousy continue to escalate the emotional tug on the reader. They are each moving and will bring tears easily.

But nothing, NOTHING, nothing prepares the reader fully for the final sixty pages. This is where Fatima and her family feel and share the onslaught of a disease not usually associated with a 28/29-year-old Pakistani woman. The physical pain is exposed in words and feelings only to be reintroduced with the emotional pain of reliving a life and its regrets of childhood and young adulthood. You feel the strain on the mother and brother, the primary oncologist, the friends and peers, and the writers themselves.

The story is told in Fatima’s own words and interspersed with chapters written by or in the mother’s words. The brother, Fatima’s ever persistent rock, speaks but is felt mostly in the comfort clearly felt by Fatima through his words, reactions, and actions. The final chapter, an afterward by the brother, Mohammed, himself is meant to express gratitude to all who were Fatima’s extended family. Instead, it adds and highlights how she became the magnet to attract the very people whose expression of love begins and transcends love through food.

This is an incredible book, an emotional story, and a call to each of us to recognize the gift of life we’ve been given and entrusted to savor.

View all my reviews

How little seems to have changed in 125 years

I recently saw the image below in an advertisement for a financial services company (name/initials removed by me) and shuddered at the depressing visual from above. The big-brother-esque, ceiling mounted camera view shows dozen-ish men and 2 or 3 women (I think) in the midst of a workday. Their entire existence for a majority of their waking hours limited to what appears to be a 5ftx5ft open-plan workspace, uncomfortable (at least non-ergonomic) seating, lunch, drinks, coats, and other personal belongings strewn about, and screens dominating their perspectives. Some have looked away from the dual monitors to the handheld devices, two coworkers ‘collaborating’ by one standing over another’s shoulder, left hand on a keyboard and right on a mouse.

I wonder what happened to the person whose coat on the chair provides cushion to a recent delivery, their phone off its cradle, and the sandwich bag unattended at the table. Their exit seems to have been in a rush. Little if any personal affects adorn a place where the humans will spend the daylight hours. One person seems to have carried in a digital picture frame to maintain a semblance of an era gone by. The pixelated image seems to show an older male worker, who might remember the impersonal cubicle that at least afforded a space he might have called his own.

I asked for an image of a workspace from the early 1900s and was shown this file available via Getty Images. The machines look different, there are no women in the view, but the narrow aisles, the proximity, the daily grind all appear eerily similar.

Men at work in a factory, circa 1900. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

How little has changed in the 125 years.

Before the big bang & Elle Cordova

Elle Cordova found fame in her insanely popular social media posts depicting conversations between planets, fonts and more. Her deadpan delivery remains mesmerizing to many so when I saw a TED talk popup in my YouTube recommendations, I simply had to watch.

She begins her talk with a poem inspired by her conversation with Hank Green. The poem struck me enough to memorialize it for myself here. I encourage any reader to see her TED talk but I’ve transcribed it as well (with assistance from Apple Notes) below

Before the Big Bang

Before the Big Bang,
there was no
there was no down.
There was no side to side.

There was no light.
There was no dark
no shape of any kind.

There were no stars or planet Mars
or protons to collide.
there was no up
there was no down
there was no side to side

and furthermore to underscore this total lacking state
there was no here
there was no there
because there was no space

and in this endless void
which can’t be thought of as a place
there was no time
and so no passing minutes, hours, days

of all the paradoxes
that labor common sense
I think this one’s the greatest
this time before events

how did we get from nothing
to infinitely dense?
from a measurably small
to inconceivably immense

but before we get on board from the question at the start
let’s take a breath and marvel
at when math becomes an art

because we don’t have to comprehend it
to know there was a time
when there was no up
there was no down
there was no side to side

Her nerdy art is genius!

Just the good stuff

The next right thing.

This is a review of Axios’ Jim VandeHei’s latest book of the above name. The prologue suggests reading the book a chapter or two at a time. I chose to read it cover-cover for my first round. Jim has structured this memoir quite like a daily reminder of the important or impactful stuff. Such a daily read can allow the topic to percolate through one’s day, changing and shaping a personal mental model of life.

The book doesn’t just instruct/teach/preach but goes beyond and weaves his own life and work stories. And that’s what sets this book apart.

Jim’s other book, Smart Brevity, documents a method of telling a story for quick yet greatest impact. This well-rehearsed approach formats each chapter in Just the Good Stuff and enables quick read. The stories snap back and forth through his early years growing up, Politico, Axios and other instances.

The chapters are independently complete, yet thread quite eastly when viewed at their macro level. Bulleted ideas to consider complete chapters that begin with an aphorism or a story from his life. Unlike aphorism-heavy books, however, the accompanying stories make a greater impact.

Though I will take another run through the book, this time a chapter or two at a time, I came away with some of his impactful stories. I’ve repeated the ‘…the next best right thing’ mantra more than once since reading the book. And the story he tells of his niece’s note is incredible.

Axios readers will be familiar with many characters from the book (Mike!) and it was good to hear some of their backstories without the book being a memoir for Axios or Politico. This is apparently a telling of Jim’s memories, so I chose to see the stories as supporting cast for the message in the chapter.

Good book, quick read, and thanks to the publisher for the ARC. I kept one of the stars because the book comes at a time when bro-code newsletters are all the rage and the messages within echo those in many newsletters curated by the male influencers producing similar YouTube and newsletter content.

I may need to update my review after a few months of daily reading.

City of Intellect

City of Intellect: The Uses and Abuses of the University by Nicholas B. Dirks

I picked up this book upon a recommendation and review by Reid Hoffman in his Long Reids blog. Part memoir, part history, and part instruction, this recent book is a good read for those engaged in a university’s administration, governance, or strategic shifts.

Version 1.0.0

The book and its discussion of the university’s legacy, centuries rather than decades old, and its struggle to evolve is as detailed as it is sometimes disappointing to read. The book begins as a memoir reflected in the way the pages progress, highlighting the author’s employment and administration at institutions such as Columbia and Berkley. It shifts, midway, to the history of the university, telling the story of the university’s formation, its jump across the Atlantic to the US, and continued evolution. Understanding the social, political and financial pressures the book shifts and ends with instructive contemplation.

I found the memoir portion segmented well across the author’s CV, but a bit long. Had Reid Hoffman’s blog not led me to a commitment to read the entire book, I very well might have abandoned it.

When the author shifted, however, to a Genealogy of the University about half-way through the book, I was mesmerized. This part is beautifully told, with the full value of the author’s experience in anthropology and administration.

The final third of the book provided contemplative (not directive) instruction for university and college administrators, faculty, and trustees to withstand the onslaught of politics and social pressures on the university.

The warnings are omnipresent in the book – the university will and must change, with or without the countering forces from seemingly the greatest opposers- faculty. And for all of their bluster, if American politicians truly care about the century of advances brought through higher education across America, then they must redefine their relationship with the university of tomorrow.

My Goodreads books

Hangry – The Eat, Pray Love of Tech Entrepreneurship

I added Hangry to my Goodreads and Des Moines Public library’s holds lists upon a 5-star rating by Brad Feld. Having never ordered food via Grubhub, I wasn’t really sure why but his rating was the motivating factor. I was surprised to get the book quickly from the library but it was the experience of reading the book that surprised me. I have finished fiction in a day but non-fiction, memoir, by a tech entrepreneur in a day became a first.

Hangry is Mike Evans’ story of living through the frustrations of cubicle dwelling mixed with a desire for tasty food showing up at the door. He tells the rare story of a tech founder who knew enough to code his MVP, tests and pivots over the years, mergers, failures, acquisitions, and the most rarified of experiences – an IPO. His remarkable clarity of his purpose for having (and leaving) the business and the ability to achieve it makes a worthy read.

discontent is a feature, not a bug. Entrepreneurs aren’t happy people

This is the tech entrepreneur version of Eat, Pray, Love, much of which occurs in Chicago. The author’s reflection, however, is interspersed throughout the book via the coast to coast, Trans America journey he undertakes on a bicycle. Lessons learned on the journey are poignant and told with humble brevity.

It is, simultaneously, an entrepreneur’s guidebook. Mike channels his remarkable (and unwanted) mentors from his Grubhub journey by avoiding professorial lecturing. The aphorisms of entrepreneurship aren’t delivered as chapter headings or even articulated directly. The wisdom, instead, is imparted through his own experiential learning over the course of two decades. I found myself taking so many notes throughout the book to capture the true essence of these stories.

The point is to intrigue, not inform. You want to tease them with a small glimpse into a billion-dollar opportunity. You want to tell a believable story about why the business model really works. But most of all you want to induce FOMO, fear of missing out. Say less. Tease more.”

Professor Waverly Deutsch at Chicago Booth School of Business

Christine, Mike’s unwavering wife and partner throughout the book, is the soul that seems to have grounded him but, sadly, we don’t get to know her very much. I would’ve loved to meet and understand some of her feelings throughout the book.

The book is emotional in places, especially as he journeys across America on his recumbent bike. It is when he sees himself as a part of the big picture, journeying across a magnificent landscape and being reminded by some wonderful people to truly:

“Enjoy your trip,” …. “Don’t take it for granted. You’re lucky.”

I can obviously not distill the entire book here but will leave with the final note from the author to all (not just self-appointed entrepreneurs

If you see something that is broken, and it bothers you… If you can’t shake the feeling that it could be done better… If you look around and realize that nobody else is as annoyed by this thing, and that maybe nobody else is going to fix it, and that maybe, just maybe, you might be the person to do it.

You can.

That’s my piece of advice to every would-be entrepreneur. Don’t overthink it. Don’t write a business plan. Don’t hire a lawyer, or a market research firm. Just start.

Make the thing.

Sell a customer.


Covid-19 did not mess this up!

Nearly two years since the Polk County Treasurer’s office opened from pandemic era closures, its post Covid efficiency is admirable. Unlike a sentiment I overheard today, the old way of doing this is, THANKFULLY, dead!

image of the motor vehicle division of the polk county treasurer's office

I recently transferred ownership of a car, had the new owner register it in another state, and returned the original Iowa plates to Polk county. Three transactions whose complexity had sent shivers down my spine at having to work through two separate government bureaucracies. In pre-pandemic days, I would’ve had to walk-in to the treasurer’s office’s motor vehicle division, obtain a number from those old school ‘take your number’ machines, sit patiently until called, and then do the business. Three times over. Here is how it went recently:

Title Transfer

The county website laid out the requirements clearly, complete with simple, one-page forms. The instructions were in simple English, easy to follow, and the big blue button guided me to an appointment. Yes, a 15-minute window picked from a calendar. One I could schedule. When I showed up and checked-in, I was given my sequence within the 15-min window and promptly called to the counter. The agent was knowledgeable and verified all info and guided me to the next step.

Registration in another State

The other state did not have such a “modern” facility for its residents and the new owners sat in a waiting room, contracted by the DMV, for over 2 hours as the various paperwork required to register the car were validated.

Returning plates

Back in Iowa, I was instructed to simply walk in and turn in the old plates and registration for a refund of the unused registration period. I approached the reception desk and the representative, learning that all I was doing was returning plates for credit, formally received the plates and registration herself, recorded the date of transfer, and informed me of the time to receive a refund. In and out of the office in < 5 minutes.

I overheard a person behind me comment how Covid had messed things up and how you needed an appointment now to transfer titles. He was commenting because some one had walked in for a transfer and was guided by the same receptionist to the appointment process for the future AS SHE GRACIOUSLY MADE AN APPOINTMENT FOR HIM!

I’ll take today’s post-COVID formality over the past’s as the post Covid efficiency saved me time, money, and frustration. Well done, Polk County treasurer/MVD.

Flow Like Water

I subscribe to a newsletter from James Clear, the author of the wildly popular book Atomic Habits. Though I’ve incorporated some of his suggestions into my daily life, this one stood out as one additionally worthy of sharing.

Each of us faces obstacles in various forms and some catch us dead in our tracks. This suggestion offers a perspective from the ever patient and percussive water!

Water never complains, but always pushes back. Always.

Drop a boulder in front of a stream and the water will simply flow around it, taking whatever opening the landscape will give or—when nothing is offered—patiently building up its resources until it rises to a height where a new gap is found.

Flow like water. Never complain, but always push back.”

Culture at end of a jetbridge

the B19 jetbridge tunnel at SLC

Though it has been more than a decade since that landing at La Guardia airport, I distinctly remember the feeling of being on NYC streets or subway while still belted to my seat on the plane. The murmor and impatience that arose amongst us passengers was eerily similar to that experienced on the city’s streets in trips before.

I’ve sensed a similar feeling when landing at other airports and wondered if we somehow switch to a personality mimicking that of an arrival city, especially one we’ve visited before. And does that affect our behavior and mood when arriving at a new destination? I do believe this “feeling” is different than behavioral norms like the cowboy hats on flights enroute to Texas destinations, the alcohol-fueled party atmosphere enroute to Vegas, the Mickey Mouse ears on flights into Orlando. It is also different than the food experienced toward certain destinations such as Chicken tikka masala on British Airways into London or Salmon, rice and miso enroute to Japan.

This feeling became more pronounced for me over the past couple of years arriving at Salt Lake City. In a city heavily influenced by the prominent religion, the airport is often host to missionaries heading on their commitments or arriving back home. Beyond the missionaries though, there seems to be a respect and deferential component to visitors. I rarely see grumbling, anger, or shouting and observe general communal regard. A plane full of passengers remains seated just a bit longer awaiting their row’s turn to deplane.

A landing in Kuala Lumpur recently had its own unique feeling. Despite the late hour and a short shuttle flight, there was a hometown camaraderie. The return flight back to Singapore on the same discount airline was quite different and similar to other rushed urban destinations. I see similar hometown camaraderie arriving home in Des Moines where people magically find connection over weather, their employer, or the Hawkeyes. Arriving at Boston Logan one feels the presence of academics – from college logoed clothing to more passengers reading books and even professorial garb (leather arm patches on sport coats are dead ringers!)

I wonder what is it that prepares us so for what is about to meet us at the end of the jet bridge?